Detergent Dispenser Lid will not Open or Close - Dishwasher
Possible Solutions
Are there obstructions?
Ensure nothing is obstructing the detergent dispenser lid from opening or closing. Too much powder detergent can cause the dispenser lid not to close all the way.
Check for handles on pans, or other items (like wooden spoons) that may block the dispenser door.
Does the dishwasher need to be cleaned?
Dishwashers should be cleaned approximately every 30 days for optimal performance. Using affresh® Dishwasher Cleaner every month will help keep your dishwasher from filming and spotting and keep the interior clean and free of odors.
Cleans even where you can't see
affresh® cleans deep inside your appliances reaching components such as the tub, racks, pump, valves, drain, and recirculation hoses.
Cleaners are available at many retailers or can be purchased here at affresh®.
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Please click below to learn more on how you can save up to 25% on New Appliance Extended Service Plans within 30 days of your appliance purchase.
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